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"Judaism teaches that humankind are sojourners on this Earth. The Earth is our home, but it does not belong to us; it belongs to God. Together with the world's other religious traditions we believe that we have been entrusted with the sacred responsibility of caring for this home. Here in Washington, I-1631 is our best opportunity to affirm this responsibility. That's why I am deeply honored to join my rabbinic colleagues and other clergy in Washington in endorsing I-1631."

Rabbi Josh Weisman
The Kavana Cooperative

JCJ is dedicated to the cause of environmental justice, from combating the negative impacts of climate change to ensuring clean air and water to protecting vulnerable populations most affected by environmental injustices.The Book of Genesis shows our obligation to act as stewards of the earth, a moral mandate that drives our support of practices and policies that maximize our ability to protect the environment. With this in mind, we are supporting I1631 on the November ballot.”

Rabbi Joel Simonds 
Founding Exec Director of Jewish Center for Justice

Washington State Rabbis Who Have Endorsed Initiative 1631
- for Clean Air & Energy 

Rabbi Tamar Malino
Spokane, WA

Rabbi David Fine

Rabbi Elizabeth Dunsker
Congregation Kol Ami
Vancouver, WA

Rabbi Janine C. Schloss
Director of Education
Temple Beth Am
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Allison B. Flash, RJE
Assistant Director of Education
Temple Beth Am
Seattle, WA

Rabbi David Lipper

Rabbi Sarah Rubin

Rabbi Jodie Futornick

Rabbi Jill Borodin
Beth Shalom
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Paula Rose
Assistant Rabbi
Congregation Beth Shalom
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Seth Goldstein
Temple Beth Hatfiloh 
Olympia, WA

Rabbi Josh Weisman
The Kavana Cooperative
Seattle, WA

Ted Falcon, Citizen and Rabbi

Rabbi James Mirel
Temple B’nai Torah 
Bellevue, WA

Daniel Weiner, Citizen and Rabbi

Rabbi Fern Feldman

Rabbi Zari M. Weiss
Kol HaNeshamah
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz

Rabbi Olivier BenHaim
Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue
Seattle, WA

Rabbah Rona Matlow

Joshua Samuels, Citizen and Rabbi
